It is the Person, Not the Place that Matters

Isaiah 9: 6a – “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders.” (NIV)

Immanuel, born in Bethlehem in a manger because there was no room in the inn, had such a lowly and humble beginning. He is the son of God Who came to save the world from sin. The environment in which Jesus was born was not perfect. The manger was a place where animals were fed, but at that time in history, that was the brightest and best spot because the star shone so that all could recognize the birth of the King and the wise men who came to worship. Therefore, we can conclude from all the events that occurred – it is the person that matters and not necessarily the place or prevailing circumstances

Are you feeling down today? You may be telling yourself that things are not working out for you, you may be looking at your peers and thinking that they are far ahead in life than you, also you may have recently lost your job or a loved one. It seems as if nothing good is coming your way at this point in your life. But today is a different day, Jesus wants to free you from all the troubles you are experiencing at the moment and give you a new perspective of your life. You are valuable and you were born to fulfill purpose. All you need to do is find room in your heart for Him, accept Him as your Lord and Saviour and believe that over time, He can fix everything. Your life matters. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Read: Matthew 2

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